08/06/2023 GIP

Youth Civic and Political Activism in Georgia


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The report “Youth Civic and Political Activism in Georgia – Project Impact Evaluation Report” was prepared within the framework of the project “Promoting Youth Transformational Leaders in Georgia” (PYTLIG) implemented by the Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP) with the financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The report was prepared by the GIP’s Project Officers – Nino Jibuti and Gvantsa Ichkiti.

The project aims to promote transformational young leaders in Georgia by enhancing their participation and representation in public life. The project consists of four different components: Emerging Leaders School (ELS), Thematic Working Groups (WG), Space for Discussion (SfD) and the Youth Democracy Forum (YDF). The ELS brought together active young Georgians from diverse backgrounds who were trained on various topics. Upon graduation, participants had an opportunity to work in thematic working groups on a topic of interest to them, and to prepare policy documents and implementation advocacy campaigns. The identified issues and associated policy recommendations were brought to the Space for Discussions forum and the annual Youth Democracy Forum. A network of ELS Alumni developed as a result of implemented activities which continue to support young leaders across the regions in their initiatives and small scale projects.

In total, 241 direct and over 2000 indirect beneficiaries – young people from Tbilisi and eight regions of Georgia: Kvemo Kartli, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Adjara, Guria, Shida Kartli, Kakheti, Racha-Lechkhumi Lower Svaneti, and Imereti participated in the project.

Opinions and recommendations expressed in the report represent the opinions of the project alumni and may not reflect the views of the Georgian Institute of Politics or the donor.


Activity Impact Evaluation Report 2019-2023 | June 2023

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