Uncategorized 25 Jan 2021 Eurosceptic, therefore, Pro-Russian?One can hardly find an organization in Georgia, political or otherwise, which… GIP
Uncategorized 19 Jan 2021 USA Foreign Policy in Transition: How a Biden Administration Impacts GeorgiaThe dramatic 2020 USA presidential elections are finally over with Joe Biden… Nino Samkharadze
Uncategorized 20 Oct 2020 How the far-right in Georgia might impact the political agenda this October?Far-right groups have the potential to influence political agendas through narratives that… GIP
Uncategorized 15 Oct 2020 Georgian party political discourse on foreign policy non-alignment: How has the meaning changed since 1992?Issues related to foreign policy become salient on a regular basis in… Levan Kakhishvili
Uncategorized 22 May 2020 Is Georgian Populism Eurosceptic?he proliferation of populist actors in the political systems of European countries… GIP
Uncategorized 24 Apr 2020 “Every Cloud has its Silver Lining” – How is the Far Right Deploying the Coronavirus Outbreak in Georgia?The outbreak of COVID-19 has dominated global social and political discourses; Nino Gozalishvili
Uncategorized 27 Feb 2020 Public Trust Towards Democracy and State Institutions: Influence of Populist Nationalist GroupsDemocratization of Georgia is challenged, inter alia, due to declining public trust to… Gvantsa Davitashvili
Uncategorized 24 Feb 2020 Who is (not) populist in Georgia? Making sense of the buzzwordDespite its worldwide significance, the usage of the term “populism” globally as… GIP
Uncategorized 13 Feb 2020 Deconstructing Modern Georgian Populism: Narratives from Political Parties to Social MovementsThere has been a significant surge of populist rhetoric since 2012 within… Nino Samkharadze
Uncategorized 20 Jun 2019 How negative are elections, and does it matter? Mapping the use of negative campaigning in elections across the world.The report by an international monitoring commission for the 2018 Presidential election… GIP
Uncategorized 02 Apr 2019 Polarization: What do we know about it and what can we do to combat it?A specter is haunting Europe, the specter of polarization. In the last… GIP
Uncategorized 04 Mar 2019 Georgia and the EU’s Eastern Partnership: a Swedish PerspectiveThe ‘hybrid war’ waged by Russia against Ukraine since 2014, which was… GIP