08/05/2016 magda

Raising Electoral Awareness among Georgian Youth

Project Duration: 2016-05-01 || 2016-10-01

Status: 0

Donor: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Georgia

Partners: The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) in Gori, the Union of Azerbaijani Women of Georgia in Marneuli

Budget: 4,900 EUR

This project, financially supported by Lithuanian Embassy, aims to raise civic consciousness and electoral awareness among youth in Georgia’s regions, in light of the coming elections. GIP will conduct trainings for young people in Kvemo Kartli, also populated by large Azeri minority, and Shida Kartli, on the following topics :

  • Active citizenship
  • Election monitoring
  • The changed balance of power among the state institutions after the last parliamentary elections

After the trainings, participants will be given certificates and encouraged to actually participate in election monitoring in their districts and share their experiences with other young people afterwards.

Through the online quiz, created after the training, people could test their knowledge on the topics of the trainings, gain some more information and win a prize.

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