Uncategorized 10 May 2021 Georgia After Karabakh: New Realities Demand New AnswersThe Second Karabakh War has fundamentally reshaped the politics of the South… GIP
Uncategorized 28 May 2020 The Turkey-Russia Power Play Unfolding: Can Georgia Weather the “Frenemies” Trap?The developments resulting from Russia and Turkey’s turbulent relations have been shaping… GIP
Blogs 14 Nov 2019 From “peaceful protests” to “manifestation of depravity”: How did the Georgian Dream present the June crisis to the public?In the context of democratization and democratic consolidation, internal political crises, caused… Levan Kakhishvili
Uncategorized 04 Oct 2019 Would temporary suspension of NATO’s Article 5 over Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region eliminate Russia’s de facto veto on Georgia’s North-Atlantic aspirations?On September 10, while attending the 5th Annual Tbilisi International Conference organized… GIP
Uncategorized 29 Aug 2019 Russian-Georgian WTO Agreement: Actors and Factors Influencing its Practical ImplementationAugust 2019 / Issue #10 GIP
Blogs 04 Jul 2019 Protests in Tbilisi: What can be learned about the role of Russia as an issue in Georgian party competition?Protests and demonstrations are not uncommon in Georgia. However, the recent wave… Levan Kakhishvili
Blogs 24 Jun 2019 Foreign policy and domestic constraints: what political regimes can and cannot do in GeorgiaSparked by the presence of Russian Duma members in Georgia’s parliament, anti-governmental… Bidzina Lebanidze, Kornely Kakachia
Uncategorized 28 May 2019 A new book by Bidzina Lebanidze – “Russia, EU and the Post-Soviet Democratic Failure”SpringerVS published a new book by GIP Senior Policy Analyst – Bidzina Lebanidze… Bidzina Lebanidze
Uncategorized 17 Apr 2019 Russian-Georgian WTO agreement and its implications for Georgian-Russian relationsIn 2011, Russia and Georgia signed an agreement on the Basic Principles… Kornely Kakachia
News 14 Jan 2019 GIP and NUPI start a new project: “Competency through Cooperation: Advancing knowledge on Georgia’s strategic path” (GEOPATH)The Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP) is happy to announce the beginning… GIP
Blogs 18 Dec 2018 Russia’s Information Warfare: A Menace to Georgian National SecurityFollowing the Russo-Georgian war in 2008, Russia's Information Warfare (IW) campaign targeting… GIP
Blogs 07 Dec 2018 The Future of the Eastern Partners: 6 Lessons from the Western BalkansIn the fifteen years since the Thessaloniki declaration confirmed the European accession… Bidzina Lebanidze