2023-05-15 12:32:47
As recent elections and ongoing political events have demonstrated, political polarisation and one-party rule remain hindering factors in the country’s democratization process. The diversity of the political spectrum and the establishment of a resilient multi-party-political system, in which parties respond to voters’ demands, is a deterrent in overcoming the status quo and the building of an inclusive democratic process. In these regards, running an election campaign tailored to specific segments of the voters, and their interests and needs, is of particular importance.
This policy brief examines how much the agendas of the main political parties in Georgia reflect the interests and needs of the various segments of voters and the extent to which they are able to respond to voters’ interests. More specifically, this paper looks at the extent to which these political entities are able to reflect in their agendas the needs of women voters, who represent more than half of the voter pool. To conclude, the policy brief offers recommendations to relevant actors to ensure a more effective response to the challenges and to contribute to strengthening inclusive democracy in Georgia.
Key Words: Women voters, Political Parties, Pre-election Campaign, Inclusive Democracy.
Policy Brief #48 | May 2023